Radiate warmth and joy among your friends and family with this elegant bouquet of six yellow roses, thoughtfully arranged to capture the beauty of heartfelt gestures. Wrapped in a soft green sheet with a delicate gold border, each bloom is highlighted to perfection, creating a striking visual contrast. Hand-tied with a luxurious gold tissue ribbon, this bouquet exudes a sense of cheer and sophistication. Ideal for expressing friendship, gratitude, or well wishes, it is a charming gift that speaks volumes without saying a word.
No. of Stems: 6
Type of Flowers: Roses
Color of Flower: Yellow
Country of Origin: India
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Reviews (2)
Anjali Pandey
Gautam Buddha Nagar
Thank you igp.. I'm so happy everything is so perfectly packed
Sunny Roses Heartfelt Bouquet
Price: AED
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Sunny Roses Heartfelt Bouquet
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