Brighten up Bhai Dooj celebrations with this stunning Joy And Blessings Hamper. Featuring a vibrant arrangement of Alstroemeria, Eucalyptus, Roses, and Spray Carnations in assorted colours, this bouquet brings elegance and beauty to any space. This gift also offers sweet indulgence with a box of chocolate cones. Everything is snug in a Dark Green Cylindrical Box adorned with a golden motif and pearl string. Complete with a greeting card that says Always Grateful For Our Bond And Our Beautiful Memories Happy Bhai Dooj. It is an ideal gesture for loved ones, combining blooms and tasty treats.
Greeting Card 12X11 cm
Choco Cone Box (24pcs)
Greeting Card 12X11 cm
Size: 10 x 9 cm
No. of Stems: 18
Type of Flowers: Alstroemeria ,Eucalyptus ,Roses ,Spray Carnation
Color of Flower: Assorted
Choco Cone Box (24pcs)
Country of Origin: UAE
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Joy And Blessings Bhai Dooj Hamper
Price: AED
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Joy And Blessings Bhai Dooj Hamper
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